Our Instructors train with the top Krav Maga and Self Defense consultants in both the U.S. and Israel. Continuing education is vital to gaining new perspectives and training concepts to be incorporated into our Fayetteville Krav Maga program.

Our program covers a wide variety of scenarios and circumstances. We train hard to ensure we are as prepared as possible to defend against any potential situation. We train to adapt and overwhelm.

A local journalist wrote a great article about some of our female students and their journey through training Krav Maga. Read it here:
MURAL BY @nvest_inc
We collaborated with local artist Jeremy Navarrette for a mural on our exterior wall facing south. You'll notice it when driving on Sycamore St as you pass our studio.
The mural expresses who we are while respecting Krav Maga and what it represents. There are multiple Easter eggs hidden within the piece regarding the origin of our studio and what inspires us.
We wanted something that felt native to NW Arkansas, personal to us, and was visually appealing to folks passing by each day.
Jeremy nailed it.
Please give him a follow on IG: @nvest_inc